Monthly GTFS Quality Report
City of Duarte
July 2022
This is a monthly report generated by the California Integrated Travel Project (Cal-ITP) and Caltrans. It summarizes progress towards the California Transit Data Guidelines, in addition to providing a snapshot of transit service characteristics such as service hours. This report is available for viewing by the general public to support continuous improvement of GTFS data and the experience of transit passengers.
Current GTFS Feed Info
About the Realtime Completeness Charts
- These charts show the percentage of Scheduled Trips with at least one Trip Update or Vehicle Position message assigned to that trip.
- High percentages with flat lines are best and indicate large amounts of realtime information for customers.
- Short drops may indicate schedule inaccuracies, missed runs (buses not on schedule), or hardware failures.
Trip Updates Completeness by Day
Vehicle Positions Completeness by Day
About the Median Message Age Charts
- These charts show the daily average age of the median message for Trip Updates and Vehicle Position messages over time.
- The charts provides insights into how long it takes to get messages from the vehicles to riders. Lower latencies are better.
- Higher latencies may indicate outdated hardware or technical failures.
Median Trip Update Message Age
Median Vehicle Positions Message Age
Technology Vendors
About the July Daily Service Level Charts
- These charts show the total hours of transit service described by the active feed for each day.
- Since service levels often vary by the day of the week, it is split into three charts for weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
- Flat lines indicate consistent levels of service throughout the month.
- Short drops may indicate temporary reduced service, such as for holidays, gaps in feed publishing, or potential inaccuracies.
- Please reach out to our help desk at with any questions.
Service hours per weekday in the active feed
Service hours per Saturday in the active feed
Service hours per Sunday in the active feed
About the July Identifier Change Charts
- These charts show the percentage of stop and route IDs that have changed since the previous month.
- Stop and route IDs are important identifiers for GTFS feed consumers to correctly parse feeds.
- It is a GTFS Best Practice to keep these consistent between feed versions whenever possible.
- More than 5% being new or dropped is a cause for attention, especially if there hasn't been a major service or route change.
- Please reach out to our help desk at with any questions.
Changes from July 01 to July 31
Consistency with the California Transit Data Guidelines
The following checks measure adherence to the GTFS Compliance (Schedule) and GTFS Compliance (Realtime) portions of the California Transit Data Guidelines.
The following symbols are used to denote each check's outcome on the given date:
- Pass
- Fail
- Not applicable/data unavailable
Checks marked with an asterisk (*) are periodically performed manually. We can update these on request, so let us know if one of them looks off. For agencies participating in a regional GTFS feed, such as the Bay Area 511 feed, the "No errors in MobilityData GTFS Schedule Validator" check may show a Fail if there are any validation errors present in the regional feed, even if the single-agency feed contains no errors. We believe this is unlikely to impact the rider experience.
GTFS Schedule Compliance Check | |||
GTFS RT Compliance Check | |||
MobilityData GTFS Schedule Validator notices observed (read more about the validator here) | |||
Error Name | Error Description | Severity | |
route_color_contrast | A routes color and route_text_color should be contrasting. | WARNING | |
feed_expiration_date | At any time, the published GTFS dataset should be valid for at least the next 7 days, and ideally for as long as the operator is confident that the schedule will continue to be operated. | WARNING | |
more_than_one_entity | The file is expected to have a single entity but has more (e.g., "feed_info.txt"). | WARNING | |
leading_or_trailing_whitespaces | The value in CSV file has leading or trailing whitespaces. | ERROR | |
invalid_phone_number | Value of field with type phone number is not valid. | ERROR | |
decreasing_or_equal_shape_distance | When sorted by shape.shape_pt_sequence, two consecutive shape points should have increasing values for shape_dist_traveled. If the values are equal, this is considered as an error. | ERROR |